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International male business student

Diploma of Business

Gain a wide range of foundational skills that will prepare you for the fast-paced business world.

Key Information


8 to 12 months

Intake Dates

February, June, October

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2025 Domestic Fees

2025 International Fees


CRICOS 076108D

Course overview

Build your skills within the business sector

Start to build the knowledge and skills necessary for your career in a wide range of areas within the business sector. The diploma provides an introduction to a range of business disciplines prior to choosing the business area in which you will specialise once you move to La Trobe University.

You will study the big issues affecting all businesses globally, trade barriers, sustainability and the environment, as well as begin to gain the skills to design and evaluate innovative solutions for the future.

Degree pathway

  • Bachelor of Accounting
  • Bachelor of Business, available majors:
    • Agribusiness
    • Digital Business
    • Event Management
    • Finance
    • Human Resource Management
    • International Business
    • Marketing
    • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Bachelor of Commerce

Students require a minimum weighted average mark (WAM) to progress into second year as listed on the Transferring to La Trobe University page.

Course structure

What you’ll be studying

Throughout your Diploma of Business, you will study a total of eight units before graduation. Core and elective subjects will depend upon your preferred bachelor degree.

Before choosing your units, please consult your course coordinator to ensure you are choosing the correct subjects to transition into your preferred course.

First Trimester

Students who enter with IELTS <6.0 or equivalent will be required to undertake the free Language Development Module as part of their program.

Traditional business models are being disrupted by numerous factors. Chief among them are new technologies that change how businesses operate. One commonality observed among these disruptive trends is the role of data. Data has become a highly valued business asset, forming a strong foundation for high-quality decision processes. This subject will introduce you to the role of data in disrupting traditional business operations and formulating business strategies. You will gain an appreciation of how data can be turned into business insights through a process called analytics, using examples across a range of business problems. On completion of this subject, you will appreciate the pivotal role that data and analytics play in various strategic initiatives within organizations, and the strategies that link analytics to business performance while balancing issues such as ethical and data governance.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

Any modern business today will utilise some form of spreadsheet tool to review, manipulate and visualise data (in the form of charts for reporting). A spreadsheet tool also enables one to undertake advanced tasks on business data, such as performing scenario analyses and undertaking complex data analytics, for example creating a forecasting model. In this subject, you will learn how to use two technological tools to undertake data analysis. The first tool is Structure Query Language (SQL), which we will use to pull relevant data into Excel and facilitate further analysis. Next, various advanced Excel analyses including pivot tables, statistical analysis, and creation of basic forecasting models will be covered. Upon successful completion of this subject, you will be proficient in basic data analysis using Excel and SQL, setting you up to become an analytical and data driven problem solver. With these skills, you will also be ready to identify insights allowing you to disrupt typical business operations systematically and with a higher chance of success.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

Economics is the study of human behaviour and in particular the choices that individuals, businesses, and governments make to deal with scarcity and the incentives that guide those choices. In Investigating Economic Issues, you will learn how the forces of demand and supply coordinate the behaviour of individuals and businesses in the market and how government policy affects those market outcomes. You will study the decisions that businesses make in determining how much to produce and at what cost. Further you will investigate how the market structure affects firms’ choices. At the macro level, you will explain how to measure economic activity, including levels of inflation and unemployment, and you will examine some of the factors that influence these variables and the impact they have on business.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

An introductory subject to marketing principles and practice as applied to mainly fast-moving consumer goods. A key focus of this subject will be development of communication and presentation skills that are integral to the marketing profession and success in business. Through the integration of these skills within the subject, you will develop transferable skills that will used throughout your business career to engage with a range of stakeholders. Topics will cover the marketing concept, the marketing environment, buying behaviour in consumer and organisational markets, customer segmentation, targeting and positioning, developing the marketing mix, and the implementation and control of marketing programs. This subject provides a sound foundation for future marketing subjects, advanced skill-development, and your career.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

This subject introduces you to the concept of sustainability, and a systems approach to understanding the complex interactions between the environmental, economic, and social dimensions of sustainability. The subject attracts students from a range of fields, bringing a multidisciplinary team perspective to the researching, analysis, and problem-solving aspects of creating positive change for sustainability. In teams, you are required to critique, design, and present an action plan aimed at resolving a sustainability issue that impacts current and future generations. This subject provides you with the opportunity to enhance, demonstrate and document work-ready skills appropriate to your chosen career path.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

Organisational Behaviour will introduce individual characteristics, interpersonal relationships, and group processes, as they relate to individual behaviour and outcomes in organisations. Organisational behaviour theory and concepts will be applied to current organisational problems relating to motivation, decision-making, teamwork, leadership, and diversity. In the workshops students will develop the capabilities to work effectively in teams and lead teams to achieve their goals.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

This is an introductory unit in international business, designed to provide students both with the foundations necessary to commence and to continue their degree in international business and with a comprehensive understanding of the issues facing firms in international markets. The unit broadly covers all facets of international business and is divided into five main themes: 1) globalisation, 2) country differences, 3) the global trade and investment environment, 4) the strategy and structure of international business, and 5) business operations. Students will develop cultural awareness, fluency and competence, develop the capacity to evaluate the global environment, and to analyse the issues in global operation with theories of international business.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

The aim of the subject is both to provide background information and understanding of the concepts and importance of finance to all students, as well as to suitably prepare students for future subjects comprising a major stream or degree program in finance. The content of the subject will cover the nature of the financial environment and the types of financial decision-making required from both a business and individual perspective. The subject further develops the concept of the time value of money, methods of valuing various financial assets such as shares and bonds, methods of project evaluation and the determination of a firm’s cost of capital. The subject also focuses on the trade-off between risk and return in relation to financial assets to provide an understanding of modern portfolio theory. The subject also introduces students to the theoretical concepts and empirical testing of capital market efficiency, and to the concepts and terminology associated with options.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

This subject provides you with an understanding of accounting process and application in the business environment. The subject covers the conceptual framework underlying accounting practices and the application of accounting information systems in the process of recording and reporting business transactions. After studying this subject, you will be enabled to use accounting information to make business decisions and judgments incorporating both technical knowledge and ethical principles.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

This subject introduces you to concepts, theories and terminology involved in an academic study of tourism, hospitality and events. It provides you with a comprehensive overview of the tourism and hospitality industry in Australia. It provides you with an awareness of the breadth of the industry and of the interests and activities it encompasses. You will examine various components of the industry, with a particular focus on the nature of its organisation and the sort of data and information it generates. This subject provides a foundation for you to make informed choices about future subjects and potential career options

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

This subject explores the core principles of contract law, consumer protection and the law of negligence, and examines business structures including the law relating to the incorporation of companies. This subject also introduces students to ethical standards that apply to business activities, such as contractual relationships and special legal protections against unethical business practices and examines the practical operation of the law in the business environment. This subject adopts a skills-based learning approach through teaching the basic techniques of problem solving and promoting an understanding of the dynamic nature of the law in business and corporations. These skills prepare students for more advanced law subjects as well as their professional careers.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (4 hours)

  • One 2-hour lecture per week
  • One 2-hour tutorial per week

In this subject, students learn and apply fundamental programming concepts. Students analyse, design, construct and document solutions to simple programming problems. Java programs are developed using command line interface tools and Unix operating system.

Class requirements

Timetabled hours per week (5 hours)

  • Lecture – 1 hour per week
  • Lab/Workshop time – 4 hours per week

More information

Entry requirements

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How to apply

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