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Skills for good health

Mindfulness, meditation, time management and more. These are the life skills that will keep you thriving long after you graduate.

Take care of yourself

Learn more about realising a healthy body, mind and space with our helpful tips.

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Mindfulness & meditation

Learning to live in the moment

Mindfulness is about learning to train your attention to the present moment without dwelling on what has happened in the past or worrying about the future.

Mindfulness and mindfulness meditation can be developed over time with practice. You’ll learn to intentionally focus your attention on your breathing and observe each rise and fall. When your mind wanders, gently redirect your thoughts back to the present and to your breathing.

Benefits of mindfulness:

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and depressive symptoms
  • Increase resilience and peace of mind
  • Enhance cognitive performance eg. concentration, memory and processing speed
  • Improve study and work performance
  • Improve relationships and overall wellbeing

Useful resources:

  • Headspace: Simple and easy-to-learn meditation techniques for a healthier and more balanced life.
  • Smiling mind: Modern meditation via a unique web and app-based program, developed by psychologists and educators.
  • Stop, Breathe & Think: Allows you to check in with how you are feeling and offer different meditation practices based on your mood.

Learn more about practicing mindfulness on this page.

Time management

Keep procrastination under control

University students are always busy, which is why it’s so important to prioritise your mental wellbeing.

You may be familiar with procrastination, or, ‘putting off until tomorrow what should have been done today’. Procrastination is a failure in our ability to get organised to complete a specific outcome in a reasonable amount of time. This may result in missing a deadline for an assignment or not feeling prepared for an exam.

Procrastination often occurs when we are feeling stressed about work that lies ahead. You might find yourself completing minor unrelated tasks instead of the important task that really needs to be done. This pattern of postponing tasks can make us feel more anxious and out of control over time.

Some time management tips:

  • Stop avoiding! Getting started is often the hardest part.
  • Estimate the time the task will take and plot milestones into your calendar
  • Make to-do lists and leave yourself reminders
  • Block out time for non-study related activities to give yourself a break
  • Prepare study tools and eliminate distractions
  • Determine which times of the day you do your best work
  • Reward yourself once you have completed the task

If you are ever struggling with your studies, or any aspect of your life outside your studies, you can always book an appointment with Support Services.

Stay connected

Lean on your support network

Students with strong family or social connections tend to be happier and healthier than those without a support network. Make regular plans with family members and friends, or seek out activities where you can meet new people, like the options below.

Volunteering: Volunteering is a great way to meet people while contributing to the community. It also allows you to gain valuable work experience skills that will look great on your CV and be a valuable advantage one you are in the workforce. To learn more about volunteering, visit our Working & Studying page here.

Clubs & societies: Joining a club is a great way to meet like-minded peers and make friends. There are over 100 student clubs at La Trobe University to choose from, including clubs for sports, culture and academic interests. Learn more here.

Ultimately, we are social beings who naturally seek connection with others. Taking steps to create and maintain relationships in your life is essential. The friends and family we rely on are those who we celebrate with in the good times, and who we turn to in times of need.

Stress management

Finding ways to deal with stress

Stress is a part of everyday life. When you are a student, this may include academic performance, being away from home, sitting exams, financial pressures, and more.

Finding your own coping methods will help you find more enjoyment in your life. Here are some practical tips:

  • Practice rational thinking
  • Develop assertive behaviours – learn to say ‘no’
  • Get a hobby or two
  • Exercise regularly
  • Eat a balanced diet and avoid excess caffeine or alcohol
  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques, including deep breathing to calm you down

Useful mobile apps:

  • Calm/Insight Timer: Designed for sleep, meditation and relaxation, these are great mindfulness apps for beginners and advanced users alike.
  • The desk: Provides strategies and skills for success, resilience and wellbeing, whether you are feeling stressed or not. Focusing on strengths, thedesk builds on the existing abilities of students with free access to online modules, tools, quizzes and resources.
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