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A lesson in Aussie culture

Australia is a safe, welcoming and multicultural society. Here are some tips to help you in your first few weeks.

Seek support when you need it

If you’re ever having trouble adjusting to life in a new country, you can access a range of support services to help you get through it, from academic support to counselling. Learn more about support at LTCA.

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Australian traditions

Experience these ‘true blue’ traditions

Australia is a safe, welcoming and multicultural society, which means you should have no trouble fitting in!

To be a real Aussie while you are here, you must experience these traditions.

  • Australia Day
  • Anzac Day
  • Barbecues
  • Meat pies
  • Lamingtons
  • Pavlova
  • Beach days
  • AFL
  • Rugby Union
  • Rugby League
  • Cricket
  • The Melbourne Cup
  • Thongs

Australian behaviour

We’re a friendly bunch

Australians are generally easygoing, but there are one or two things you should know about us.

Because Aussies come from so many different backgrounds countries you will encounter a wide range of social customs, habits and perspectives on life that may be new and different to your own.

If someone says, “it would be nice if you cleaned up,” or, “it’s nice to have a clean house”, they usually mean, “please tidy up” and would expect you to take the hint!

Never step in front of someone in a line. If someone lets you in, make sure you thank them.

Regular greetings include, “hello”, “hi”, “g’day”, “hey”, and “How are you?”. In formal situations, you should shake hands.

Australians like people who are humble, kind, have a sense of humour, and who do not draw attention to their qualities.

If you are invited to a BBQ, picnic or party, it is considered good manners to bring something to share.

Speaking Aussie slang

Brush up on your Australian slang here

In Australia, slang is less of an exception and more of a total social norm. To the untrained ear and fresh international students coming to Australia, some Aussie slang can seem like a whole new language – but don’t worry, you’ll soon get the hang of it!

Aussie’s have different phrases and words to other English-speaking countries. Australians also tend to shorten words and lengthen them to add some Aussie flare. Even English-speaking people have difficulty understanding some Australian phrases.

Use this glossary to help you in your first few weeks here.

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