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Policies & procedures

All of the LTCA policies and procedures documents on this page can be downloaded in PDF format.

Policies and procedures

Academic integrity is important for students, teachers, researchers and professional staff to act in an honest way, be responsible for their actions, and show fairness in every part of their work. All students and staff should be an example to others of how to act with integrity in their study and work. Throughout the duration of their studies at La Trobe College Australia, students are expected to conduct themselves in an honest and ethical manner, and in accordance with accepted standards of academic integrity as defined in the policies and guidelines of the college.

Academic Integrity Policy

Access Equity And Equal Opportunity Policy

Assessment Policy

Attendance Policy (ELICOS)

Attendance Policy (FSDP)

Care of International Students under the Age of 18 Policy

Change of Premises/Ownership/Management Policy and Procedure

Child Safe Policy and Standards

Completion within Expected Duration of Study Policy

Course Progression Policy and Procedure

Course Review Policy and Procedure

Credit Transfer Policy

Critical Incident Policy And Procedure

Deferment, Suspension or Cancellation Policy

Deferment, Suspension or Cancellation Procedure

Disability Services Policy

Emergency Evacuation Procedure

English Language Standards Policy and Procedure – FSDP

English Language Standards Policy and Procedure – ELICOS

Enrolment Policy

Enrolment Procedure

Examinations Policy

Marketing Policy

Overseas Student Transfers Policy

Privacy Policy

Recognition of Prior Learning Policy

Recording Live Course Content Policy

Refund Policy

Review of Marks Policy

Special Consideration and Deferred Assessment Policy

Staff capabilities educational resources and premises

Staff Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

Student Grievance Policy

Student Support Services Policy

Sexual Harassment Prevention and Response Policy

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Policy

Support for Students Policy

Tuition Fees and Charges Policy

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